Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Celebrating One Year With Jesus

Someone is celebrating 1 year as an angel with Jesus today as they rejoice with the lord with this grand celebration. Some on Earth are still morning and weeping. As the song says by shirley murdock "Don't Cry For Me" I'M FREE.

Let me just start out by saying where has the last year gone it seams just like yesterday that i lost my mom but it has already been a year. I don't think the kids remembered it yet they did talk about her death a lot lately so i think they know it was coming up soon but they r to young to remember the day yet. But you should hear them sing don't cry for me song i have it in my car they are so cute when they sing it.

Well i am gonna finish my day no tears here i know she is in a better place and she would not want me to cry for her just rejoice with her that she is free so that is what i am gonna do.

If you want to hear that song it is on my blog to download and listen to and it is a lovely song.

1 comment:

lovefamilymemories said...

Danny, this is a wonderful tribute to your mother. She must be so proud of YOU. I enjoyed reading this.